Flow Cytometry

GenePattern contains the following suites of modules to analyze flow cytometric data:

GenePattern Flow Cytometry Suite

This suite of modules from the British Columbia Cancer Research Center (BCCRC) provides GenePattern modules that contain quality assessment, data preprocessing, and gating and clustering functionalities for high-dimensional flow cytometry data.  GenePattern pipelines allow the user to chain together these functionalities to address a general flow cytometry data analysis framework in an automated and reproducible manner.  (Spidlen et al. GenePattern Flow Cytometry Suite. In press.)

For more information on the modules and workflow, see the GenePattern Flow Cytometry Suite page.


FLAME (FLow analysis with Automated Multivariate Estimation) uses finite mixture model clustering techniques with novel algorithms and models to define and characterize discrete populations in flow cytometric data. ("Automated high-dimensional flow cytometric data analysis". Pyne, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 May 26;106(21):8519-24. Epub 2009 May 14)